K.Group DAO Secures Wyoming’s Legal Wrapper As K.Group DAO LLC
1. K.Group DAO LLC is the first affordable housing DAO in the world.
2. It is the first housing DAO to be registered in Wyoming(USA).
3. It is community-led and governance is a shared responsibility of its token holders.
In light of K.Group DAO’s Wyoming registration milestone, its mission to help millions of Americans cut rental costs through shared living spaces is becoming more real than imagined.
Securing a Wyoming legal wrapper comes with several benefits. They range from doing business legally in the US to operating an official business account and to ensuring a minimal exposure to legal risk.
K. Group DAO’s legal status will enable it to acquire and convert residential properties into affordable rental homes across the country. It also gives it leverage to operate an official bank account as K.Group DAO LLC. Most importantly, it will help it to minimise legal risks that often arise from the lack of compliance.
“Going public with our certificate of organisation is like asking the world to test our credibility and to tell everyone that we mean business. We want to make the most of the legal advantages of coming under Wyoming as a DAO,and we are grateful to our friends at Doola who helped us with our paperwork”, K.Group DAO founder Jermaine Anugwom was recently quoted as saying.
“There are many inspiring examples of successful DAOs in the crypto community. We want to be one of them and our job is not finished until America’s low income families and individuals are pulled from the jaws of the housing crisis”, he added.
K.Group DAO’s action plan for a nationwide affordable housing campaign is hinged on its capability to solve America’s lingering housing crisis town by town, city by city and state by state.
It is poised to move at the speed of light once it meets its funding target on JuiceBox where it has so far raised 5 ETH. Its partnership with DAO HQ , its potential to attract institutional investors and its social impact agenda hold brief for it.
To join K.Goup DAO on Discord: https://discord.gg/pWVhnGRZ
To donate to K.Group DAO fundraising: https://www.juicebox.money/@kgroupdao